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What is 14064-1 Carbon Inventory?

In response to the global trend towards net-zero emissions, enterprises and even small and medium-sized enterprises have begun to calculate the carbon footprint of their products and services. However, how do you know if the carbon footprint is calculated correctly or not, and a set of standard methodologies are provided internationally to guide and standardize the calculation process, facilitate the quantification of greenhouse gas management, further monitoring, and improve the consistency of reporting and verification.
What is the ISO 14067 carbon footprint standard?
ISO 14067 is a set of quantitative principles and standards for product carbon footprint, providing a set of standardized specifications and calculation methods for countries, governments and enterprises. In 2013, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the ISO/TS 14067 technical specification for carbon footprint, which provides a method for calculating the carbon footprint of products and services produced by enterprises. At the same time, the greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of the product life cycle are inventoried and analyzed. After years of development and discussion, ISO officially announced the formulation of ISO 14067:2018 in 2018, replacing the technical specification ISO/TS 14067:2013. Clearly define requirements and guidelines on how to quantify and report on product carbon footprints, and formally upgrade international standards.

ISO 14067 and ISO 14064-1 Fog?
In addition to responding to the trend of net-zero emissions, as countries are about to introduce carbon tariffs and carbon fees, various inventory methods and certification standards have also emerged.
In recent years, a number of international certification standards have been implemented for greenhouse gas management, among which ISO 14067 and ISO 14064-1 have attracted the most attention.
ISO 14067 specifically manages the carbon footprint of an organization's products or services, and sets consistent specifications and calculation methods for direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle.
The ISO 14064 series of standards serves as the basis for greenhouse gas inventory and verification methods. Among them, ISO 14064-1 inventories the greenhouse gases generated by the activities of an organization or enterprise, and sets consistent specifications and quantitative standards for the design, development, management and reporting principles and requirements of carbon inventory.
Taking a food factory as an example, carbon inventory is to calculate the total carbon emissions of a factory (organization), while carbon footprint is to inventory the total carbon emissions of a product (such as a bottle of edible oil) in its life cycle, including the analysis of each stage, from raw material extraction, processing, manufacturing, distribution, to the treatment of the product use stage and the end of life stage of the product.After passing the ISO 14067 standard verification, enterprises can evaluate the greenhouse gas emissions of edible oil products in the life cycle according to the specifications and calculation methods, and use this as the standard value for greenhouse gas emission measurement and communication, so as to plan appropriate carbon footprint reduction measures.
